Covid policies and procedures

U3A Redcliffe is committed to ensuring the safety of all members by adhering to any government restrictions and rules as they are put into force.

We will continue to support any recommendations made by Queensland Health. If you are feeling unwell, or showing symptoms, please do not come onto the campus.

As part of our risk management plan members are asked to continue to wipe down tables and chairs at the end of each class or when you have finished your cuppa in the kitchen.

If you are feeling unwell, please do not come onto campus.

Reporting Covid-19 cases

U3A members who have been diagnosed with Covid-19, and have recently attended the campus before the diagnosis, are requested to contact the Secretary with the following details so that members can be notified.

  • Date that symptoms became evident
  • Date of positive diagnosis
  • Date/s that they attended Campus, times and rooms they entered, etc.

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