Social events

About Social Events

U3A Redcliffe social event details, including bus trips, dine outs, and theatre outings are listed on the Notice Board outside the Margaret Ball Rooms.  Events are also publicised in the fortnightly newsletter, Campus Communiqué, which is sent to all members with an email address, unless they have opted out of email communications.

Click here to visit the Social Events Gallery

Click here to go to Booking Procedures.

Upcoming Events

Sunday Lunch
Scarborough Bowls Club
9 March 2025
12:00 Noon

Members are invited to Sunday lunch on 9 March, at the new Chinese restaurant at Scarborough Bowls Club, 321 Scarborough Road, Scarborough.

Click here to view the extensive menu. As a special wlecome, the restaurant is offering us Member prices. 

Please RSVP your attendance by Monday 3 March to Suzanne Markham:  

Non-members, friends and family are all welcome. 

Lunch will be at your own expense.

Social Events Gallery

Click here to visit the Social Events Gallery

Booking procedures

From October 2024, members must book and pay online by following the link provided for each trip. There is no longer a facility at the campus office to register or make payments for trips.

Once the booking and payment is confirmed, then you are registered for the bus trip. Tickets will no longer be issued, as happened in the previous manual system.

Our Social Activities Coordinator will have a list of all members who have booked and paid and will check your names against the list on the day of the bus trip.

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