New Members Welcome!

U3A Redcliffe has around 1500 active members. We welcome enquiries and new membership applications.
Seniors who join find an array of wonderful classes and social experiences to enjoy and often make great friends among these groups. Please drop in or phone us if you’re interested in joining.
- Eligibility for membership
- Membership fees
- Class fees
- Member Handbook
- Course Handbook
- How to apply for membership
- Term 1, 2025
- Protocols and procedures for attending class
If you wish to join online please read the following information carefully before completing the form.
Eligibility for membership
If you are over 50 and retired or semi-retired you are eligible to join U3A Redcliffe.
Membership fees
- Membership fees are $25 per year.
Pro-rata charges apply if joining in terms 2, 3 or 4. - Reciprocal membership fee is $15 and offered to members of another U3A, but current receipt or badge must be provided at time of paying U3A Redcliffe fees.
- Eligibility for membership: Age 50 years plus, in their third age (retired or semi-retired). See U3A Redcliffe Inc Constitution.
- After completion of membership application and payment of fees, the application is submitted to the Committee for their acceptance at the first meeting after the form has been completed.
- For members to remain financial members, the annual membership fee must be paid before 31 December each year (Constitution 5[a]).
- Members must pay their membership fee before 31 December to enrol as a new student or remain enrolled in continuing classes.
- Members may maintain a continuity of membership if they pay their annual fee between 1 January and the Annual General Meeting each year, but in choosing to do so will become unfinancial members until their membership is paid (5[b]). At the point of the AGM unpaid memberships will lapse.
To ensure equity of access into our courses, only financial members of U3A Redcliffe Inc. may enrol, or be pre-enrolled, in a course. A member who is pre-enrolled in a course/s but is found to be an unfinancial member will be withdrawn from any courses into which they have been pre-enrolled. A person who has paid their annual membership fee but whose membership application is pending approval by the Management Committee is deemed to be a financial member for the purposes of enrolment. A person whose membership is subsequently not approved will have their membership fee refunded and will be withdrawn from any courses in which they have enrolled.
Class fees
On campus, class fees for each class attended will be $2.00 plus the cost of photocopying, if needed.
From Term 1 2024 members will receive a discounted fee of $15 if they pay for all classes upfront. However, members can continue to pay by cash or voucher if they wish to do so.
Term 4 fees for new members will usually be $10. However, anyone joining from late October 2024 will pay now $25.00, which includes the balance of 2024 plus all of 2025. This applies to both online and on campus applications.
Fees for 2025 are now payable online.
Off-campus class fees are as noted in the relevant class information.
Member Handbook
At time of joining, each new member receives a copy of the Members’ Handbook.
Course Handbook
Click here to view/download the Course Handbook for Term 1, 2025. The Term 2 Course Handbook will be emailed to members on 7 April.
Current financial members will be able to enrol online from 2:00 pm, 7 April 2025.
The office will be open for members to enrol for classes on:
- 8, 9 April, 2025 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.
- 15, 16 April, 2025 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.
Click here to go to the Courses page.
How to apply for membership
To apply for membership please follow the procedure set out below.
1. Accept Terms and Conditions of Membership
As a member of U3A Redcliffe you agree to be governed by the following Terms and Conditions of membership.
You –
- agree you are eligible to be a member of U3A Redcliffe (over 50 years of age and either retired or semi-retired)
- agree to abide by the Association’s Constitution and rules
- are aware there will be a fee for each class you enrol in
- are aware that membership fees are not refundable
- understand that photographs taken at U3A Redcliffe activities may be published in the Association’s newsletter, website or on social media
- must advise the office in writing if you do not want any photos of yourself published, and
- are aware that U3A Redcliffe uses email services to contact members. As this will not result in receiving emails from external advertisers, you give permission for U3A Redcliffe to include their email address, and understand if you unsubscribe, you will receive no further emails from U3A Redcliffe.
Payment of Membership Fee indicates agreement to abide by the Terms and Conditions of Membership.
Term 1 2025
Enrolment days for Term 1, 2025 are:
- 14, 15 and 16 January 2025: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.
- 22, 23 and 24 January 2025: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.
2. Complete application for membership form
If you wish to join, you can either fill out the online form by clicking the link below or, if you prefer, download, print and fill in the .pdf version and bring the completed form with you when coming to campus to pay your membership fees.
Click here to complete the online membership application form. If you enrol online you will receive an email with information about online payment. Please note: If you register online but do not pay at that time you must pay at the office within two business days. If payment is not made within this time you will not be considered to be a member of U3A Redcliffe.
Click here to download a Word version of the membership application form. Please note: Google will automatically open this file in Google docs. To open it in Word you will need to download it first, then click the ‘Enable editing’ button to fill it in on a computer.
Click here to download a .pdf version of the membership application form.
Please fill in this form and bring it with you when coming to campus to pay your membership fees.
3. Pay Fees
Membership fees
Membership fees fall due in January and are renewable each year. To retain continuity of membership the fees must be paid prior to AGM.
Members who wish to continue in current classes in 2024 must pay their membership fee before 31 December 2023.
- $25.00 per person for a full year
- $20.00 per person when joining in term 2
- $15.00 per person when joining in term 3
- $10.00 per person when joining in term 4 only
- Reciprocal Membership : $15.00
If you are a paid-up member of another U3A group (anywhere) you are entitled to join as a Reciprocal Member. When joining U3A Redcliffe you will need to show your membership card or receipt from the other U3A group.
There may still be a slight delay in receiving your badge depending on the workload in the office.
Fees can only be paid at the office, by cash, cheque or EFTPOS. We accept Visa, Mastercard and EFTPOS card. However, we do not accept American Express or Diners Club.
Online payments will be available via the Members Portal, currently being tested, when this is rolled out to all members.
If paying by cheque through the mail, please make payable to U3A Redcliffe Inc. and quote your membership number (displayed on your membership badge). The mailing address is:
PO Box 667
Redcliffe Qld 4020
Payment of class fees
Class fees can be paid by voucher or cash. Vouchers for class fees can be purchased from the office: available in bundles of five for $10.
We will be commencing discounted upfront payments for classes in 2024. You can pay a discounted class fee of $15 for the term or continue to pay weekly by voucher or cash if you choose to.
You can obtain this discounted class fee once enrolment commences from 8 January 2024. Please ensure you are a financial member before 31 December to enrol as a new student or remain enrolled in continuing classes.
The Course Handbook and Enrolment will be Available from 8 January 2024 from 2:00 pm.
From Term 1 2024, members will have the option to pay class fees in advance instead of paying each time they attend a class. Members will receive a discount if they pay these fees in advance. For example attending a weekly class for 10 weeks at $2.00 per class per week totals $20, but members who make a term payment in advance will only pay $15. Other class frequencies will be discounted accordingly.
This discounted rate will not be refundable if a member does not attend a class or classes during the term unless there are exceptional medical reasons, such as a hospital stay and will not be available once term commences.
- If members are pre-enrolled (rolled over by tutor) in a class and wish to take up the option to pre-pay at the discounted price, payment will be required before term commences.
- If enrolling in a new class members have the option of paying in advance when you enroll online.
- This offer is only available until the 19 January 2023, which is prior to Term 1 commencing.
Protocols and procedures for attending classes
- Members must wear a current financial membership badge at all times when attending U3A Redcliffe campus and off-site classes.
- Members must abide by any practices and procedures in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19
- If you are feeling unwell, please do not come onto campus.
- At the end of each class, use the cleaning materials provided to clean desks, chairs and other appropriate surfaces. This also applies to surfaces in the kitchen/communal areas.
- When finished with your cup, please rinse and place it in the dishwasher. Do not wash any crockery or cutlery by hand and return to the drawers. The dishwashers are used for washing crockery and utensils to ensure proper sanitisation.
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