Class Activities

Fun & Strum Breakup Party

The Fun & Strum class put their ukuleles aside and enjoyed some delicious treats to celebrate breaking up for the holiday season.

Writing for Pleasure 2 Book Launch

Members of the Writing for Pleasure 2 class attended the launch of an anthology of their work, A Drop in the Ocean with special guest speaker, renowned Brisbane poet Margaret Clifford (far right).

Copies of the book can be purchased by clicking on this link.

Click here to view instructions for ordering the book.

Sunrise Walk and Coffee Group

The Sunrisers have lots to brag about in 2024.

They have:

  • walked 3000 steps more than they did at the start of the year, averaging approx. 8-9 km (10,000 steps)
  • enjoyed dugongs frolicking in Moreton Bay
  • watched in awe and amazement at some beautiful sunrises
  • become coffee connoisseurs, and
  • shared the joy of walking together and making some great friendships.

German Class Christmas Celebrations

Wine and Travel Class

Each week tutor, Albert Hili, takes his class to wine regions world-wide. Not only are the wines of the regions discussed, but the areas in which they are made.

Once a term, the class meets by the sea to sample various wines newly discovered.

Watching the solar eclipse

Boomerang Bags

Photography group 2023

Here are some photos from the Photography group’s recent outing.

Art au plein air

On 25 August 2022 the Thursday Sketching and Watercolours held a sketching class au plein air at Suttons Beach Pavilion.

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