Social Events Gallery

On 6 July, despite the damp weather, around 20 of our members enjoyed a trip to Nambour to explore the Queensland Garden Expo 2024.

There was something for everyone, from interesting talks on garden-related topics, heaps of plants and garden displays to a large assortment of miscellaneous products. With plenty of time to look around, a good time was had by all.Thanks to Suzanne for organizing the trip and to our driver for getting us there and back safely. And thanks to our wonderful Social Media Manager, Marianne, who took these lovely pictures.

Woongooroo Estate

Around 40 members took a bus trip to Woongooroo Estate, just out of Woodford, on 15 June.

The ‘Luck o’ the Irish’ entertainment program, as well as wine tasting, morning tea including home and a lunch including traditional Irish Stew was enjoyed by all.

Everyone enjoyed music by the great Irish band.

Mary Valley Rattler

About 50 of our members enjoyed a great day out on the Mary Valley Rattler on 13 August. The train ride through the beautiful countryside was most enjoyable and lunch on the station platform at Gympie afterwards was delicious.

Ginger Factory

Tweed River trip


Whale watching

On Saturday 10th September 2022, 60 of our members set sail to see the whales frolicking off Moreton Island. A great day was had by all.

The attached videos were taken during the trip. Please respect our copyright by not sharing or copying them without acknowledgement.

Click here for video of whale breaching

Click here for video of whales “waving”

Click here for video of whales tail slapping

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